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At Westie Wisdom, we aim to bring you the best information and resources about the breed.

Whether you are a new or existing West Highland White Terrier owner, you might find the below links helpful when caring for your dog.

Westie Organizations

Kennel Clubs

The Kennel Club (UK)

American Kennel Club (USA)

Canadian Kennel Club (Canada)

Australian National Kennel Council (Australia)

West Highland White Terrier Clubs (UK)

West Highland White Terrier Club of England

Southern West Highland White Terrier Club

The West Highland White Terrier Club

Midland Counties Scottish Terrier and West Highland White Terrier Club

West Highland White Terrier Clubs (North America)

West Highland White Terrier Club of America

Health and Welfare

Westie Foundation of America

West Highland White Terrier Shows

Westie Club Events (USA)

Fosse Data (UK)

West Highland White Terrier Rescue Organizations

Westie Rescue UK


National Westie Rescue (USA)